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28.-30.8.2019 | Finnish Anthropology Conference 2019 – Antropologipäivät

Time is a classic topic in anthropology: it has been viewed as a natural, linguistic, religious, economic and generational phenomenon, among other things. But it is hard to recall when time would have been as widely researched as it is right now. The theme of the 2019 conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society was chosen largely to find out “why time now?” Is it because we have become increasingly aware of the plurality of temporal regimes in our lives, for example, or because of our increased sensitivity to these due to the increased movement of ever more people? And is this why the plural “temporalities” is now often favoured over the singular “time”?

Ultimately, it must be anthropology’s versatility that makes it particularly well suited for grasping and narrating time as a combination of politics, space, materiality, language, scale, valuation, prediction, and growth – again just to name but a few themes. But what has anthropology learnt from the study of time? Has the current “temporal turn” gone far enough for us to take stock of its accomplishments?

The 2019 Finnish Anthropological Society conference “On Time” investigates these themes in panels and films. The keynote speaker is Ghassan Hage. The conference is organised in co-operation with the discipline of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Helsinki and the Finnish Literature Society.

The 2019 Edvard Westermarck memorial lecture will be given by Laura Bear on the eve of the conference (August 28). The lecture is open to the public, and has a separate Facebook event.

The conference film programme is curated by Carlo Cubero and Ingrid Nielsen from Tallinn University. The film programme can be viewed in detail from a separate Facebook event.

The Finnish Anthropological Society Conference is organised in co-operation with the discipline of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Helsinki and the Finnish Literature Society.

The 2019 Finnish Anthropological Society conference “On Time” investigates these themes in panels and films. The keynote speaker of the conference is Ghassan Hage, and the 2019 Edvard Westermarck memorial lecture will be given by Laura Bear on the eve of the conference (August 28).

Registration fees:
– Non-members of the Finnish Anthropological Society: €100
– Members of the Finnish Anthropological Society and WCAA member societies: €60
– Bachelor’s and master’s program students: €25 (members of the Society) or €55 (non-members)

The conference website is

General inquiries regarding the conference can be addressed to timeFAS2019[a]

Events for the conference, film screening and Edward Westermarck Memory Lecture can also be found at Facebook.

TIME: 28. – 30.8.2019
VENUES: House of Sciences and Letters (Kirkkokatu 6)
Finnish Literature Society (Hallituskatu 1)
Unioninkatu 35

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